Stealth Feats
Assurance (Stealth) Feat 1
Source Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Prerequisites trained in stealth
Even in the worst circumstances, you can perform basic stealth tasks. You can forgo rolling a skill check for stealth to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers).
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
FortuneA fortune effect beneficially alters how you roll your dice. You can never have more than one fortune effect alter a single roll. If multiple fortune effects would apply, you have to pick which to use. If a fortune effect and a misfortune effect would apply to the same roll, the two cancel each other out, and you roll normally.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Experienced Smuggler Feat 1
Source Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Prerequisites Trained in Stealth
You often smuggle things past the authorities.
When the GM rolls your Stealth check to see if a passive observer notices a small item you have concealed, the GM uses the number rolled or 10 - whichever is higher - as the result of your die roll, adding it to your Stealth modifier to determine your Stealth check result.
If you're a master in Stealth, the GM uses the number rolled or 15, and if you're legendary in Stealth, you automatically succeed at hiding a small concealed item from passive observers.
This provides no benefits when a creature attempts a Perception check while actively searching you for hidden items.
Due to your smuggling skill, you're more likely to find more lucrative smuggling jobs when using Underworld Lore to Earn Income.
PFS Note This feat allows you to Earn Income with Underworld Lore with tasks of your level -1 (instead of the normal level -2).
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Terrain Stalker Feat 1
Source Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Prerequisites trained in Stealth
Select one type of difficult terrain from the following list: rubble, snow, or underbrush. While undetected by all non-allies in that type of terrain, you can Sneak without attempting a Stealth check as long as you move no more than 5 feet and do not move within 10 feet of an enemy at any point during your movement. This also allows you to automatically approach creatures to within 15 feet while Avoiding Notice during exploration as long as they aren't actively Searching or on guard.
Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, choose a different type of terrain.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Armored Stealth Feat 2
Source Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide
Prerequisites expert in Stealth
You have learned techniques to adjust and modify your armor and movements to reduce the noise you make.
When you wear non-noisy armor with which you are trained, your penalty to Stealth checks is reduced by 1 (to a minimum penalty of 0). If you're a master in Stealth, reduce the penalty by 2, and if you're legendary, reduce the penalty by 3.
If your armor has the noisy trait, instead of reducing the penalty to Stealth checks, you ignore the effects of the noisy trait, enabling you to remove the penalty with a sufficient Strength score as normal.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Quiet Allies Feat 2
Source Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Prerequisites expert in Stealth
You're skilled at moving with a group. When you are Avoiding Notice and your allies Follow the Expert, you and those allies can roll a single Stealth check, using the lowest modifier, instead of rolling separately. This doesn't apply for initiative rolls.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Shadow Mark Feat 2
Source Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide
Prerequisites expert in Stealth
You have learned special tricks that help you follow individuals without them noticing you.
When you attempt a Stealth check to Avoid Notice while following a specific target, the target takes a -2 circumstance penalty to their Perception DC. If you have master proficiency in Stealth, the penalty is -3 or -4 if you're legendary.
If you start an encounter with the target while shadowing them, the target takes this penalty to their initiative roll and to their Perception DC to determine if they notice you, as normal for Sneak.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Fane's Escape
Feat 4
Source Pathfinder Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide
Prerequisites expert in Stealth
Requirements You have a deck of playing cards in your possession.
A good getaway requires a good distraction. You Interact to draw a deck of cards and flip it in a fluttering explosion, causing you to become briefly Hidden to all other creatures using vision as their precise sense, and then you Sneak. You have enough cover to Sneak until the end of your turn. This leaves all of the cards from the deck scattered about the room; collecting them into a deck again takes several minutes.
Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Foil Senses Feat 7
Source Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Prerequisites master in Stealth
You are adept at foiling creatures' special senses and cautious enough to safeguard against them at all times. Whenever you use the Avoid Notice, Hide, or Sneak actions, you are always considered to be taking precautions against special senses.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Swift Sneak Feat 7
Source Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Prerequisites master in Stealth
You can move your full Speed when you Sneak. You can use Swift Sneak while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.
Legendary Sneak Feat 15
Source Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Prerequisites legendary in Stealth, Swift Sneak
You're always sneaking unless you choose to be seen, even when there's nowhere to hide. You can Hide and Sneak even without cover or being concealed. When you employ an exploration tactic other than Avoiding Notice, you also gain the benefits of Avoiding Notice unless you choose not to.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GeneralA type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
SkillA general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.