Anticipate Ambush Feat 6
Source Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide
Prerequisites expert in Stealth
Using your extensive knowledge of ambush tactics, you keep watch for any hidden creatures or dangerous sites, moving at half your travel speed.
If you're Anticipating an Ambush at the start of an encounter, you roll a Perception check for initiative, and all enemies rolling Stealth for initiative take a -2 circumstance penalty to their Stealth checks.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
ExplorationAn activity with this trait takes more than a turn to use, and can usually be used only during exploration mode.
RogueThis indicates abilities from the rogue class.