Deflecting Shot
Feat 10
Source Pathfinder Guns & Gears
Trigger An ally within the first range increment of your firearm or crossbow is hit by an attack, and you can see the attacker.
Requirements You're wielding a loaded firearm or crossbow.
You're always ready to take a quick shot to deflect a weapon or distract a foe enough to render them off target. The ally gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their AC against the triggering attack. You use this reaction after the result of the attack roll is revealed, so you know whether the +2 will make a sufficient difference.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
GunslingerThis indicates abilities from the gunslinger class.