Eerie Proclamation
Feat 10
Source Pathfinder Dark Archive
Prerequisites expert in Occultism, expert in Survival
Frequency once per hour
Requirements You must be in either natural terrain or in abandoned or relatively unused artificial terrain (such as a darkened alley or haunted house).
You know there are places in the world that are just wrong-places where the birds don't sing and where you always feel like you're being watched. You can spot these places, and you can awaken them. To do so, you must gesture toward a 10-foot by 10-foot square you can see and make an ominous proclamation of some manner (i.e. "This is cursed ground," "That is an ill-omened place."). The next creature that enters the marked territory must attempt a Will save against your spell DC (will if you're a druid) or class DC (will if you're a ranger).
Success The target is unaffected.
Failure Something goes horribly awry for the victim in the cursed ground. The details are up to the GM-it can be a purely "natural" accident (they step into an old bear trap, perhaps) or something stranger and more spectral. The target gains a condition for 2 rounds. Roll 1d4 on the table and use the failure column to determine which condition.
Critical Failure As failure, but the effect is astonishingly gruesome. Use the critical failure column, and the condition lasts for 1 minute.
d4 | Failure | Critical Failure |
1 | Clumsy 2 | Clumsy 3 |
2 | Enfeebled 2 | Enfeebled 3 |
3 | Stupefied 2 | Stupefied 3 |
4 | Dazzled | Blinded for 1 round, then Dazzled |
Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.
AuditoryAuditory actions and effects rely on sound. An action with the auditory trait can be successfully performed only if the creature using the action can speak or otherwise produce the required sounds. A spell or effect with the auditory trait has its effect only if the target can hear it. This applies only to sound-based parts of the effect, as determined by the GM. This is different from a sonic effect, which still affects targets who can't hear it (such as deaf targets) as long as the effect itself makes sound.
ConcentrateAn action with this trait requires a degree of mental concentration and discipline.
CurseA curse is an effect that places some long-term affliction on a creature. Curses are always magical and are typically the result of a spell or trap. Effects with this trait can be removed only by effects that specifically target curses.
DruidThis indicates abilities from the druid class.
LinguisticAn effect with this trait depends on language comprehension. A linguistic effect that targets a creature works only if the target understands the language you are using.
ManipulateYou must physically manipulate an item or make gestures to use an action with this trait. Creatures without a suitable appendage can't perform actions with this trait. Manipulate actions often trigger reactions.
NecromancyEffects and magic items with this trait are associated with the necromancy school of magic, typically involving forces of life and death.
PrimalThis magic comes from the primal tradition, connecting to the natural world and instinct. Anything with this trait is magical.
RangerThis indicates abilities from the ranger class.