Name | Traits | Description |
Aberrant Whispers to  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryMentalSorcerer | You utter phrases in an unknown tongue, assaulting the minds of those nearby. |
Angelic Wings  | UncommonEvocationLightSorcerer | Wings of pure light spread out from your back, granting you a fly Speed equal to your Speed. |
Blinding Beauty  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationSorcererVisual | You channel the allure of your nymph bloodline into a terribly beautiful glance. |
Dragon Breath  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 damage. |
Dragon Breath (Black, Brine or Copper)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 acid damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Blue or Bronze)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Brass)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Cloud)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Crystal or Forest)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 piercing damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Gold, Magma or Red)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Green)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 poison damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Sea)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 bludgeoning damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Dragon Breath (Silver or White)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 cold damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Sky)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Dragon Breath (Sovereign)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 mental damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Umbral)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 negative damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Underworld)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Drain Life  | UncommonNecromancyNegativeSorcerer | You close your hand and pull life energy from another creature into yourself. |
Elemental Motion  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You call upon your element to propel you, improving your Speed depending on your element. |
Embrace the Pit  | UncommonTransmutationEvilMorphSorcerer | Devil horns grow from your skull, and your skin takes on features of the devil responsible for your diabolic bloodline. |
Extend Spell  | UncommonDivinationMetamagicSorcerer | You call upon your blood's knowledge of the ancients to extend your magic. |
Fey Disappearance  | UncommonEnchantmentSorcerer | You become Invisible and ignore natural difficult terrain (such as underbrush). |
Heart's Desire  | UncommonIllusionEmotionMentalSorcerer | You surround your target with wondrous illusions of their greatest desires, which distract them from reality. |
Horrific Visage  | UncommonIllusionEmotionFearMentalSorcererVisual | You briefly transform your features into the horrific visage of a hag, striking fear into your enemies. |
Shroud of Flame  | UncommonEvocationFireSorcerer | You encircle yourself in an aura of protective flames. |
Spirit Veil  | UncommonIllusionSorcerer | You draw an occluding veil of spirits around yourself, blocking yourself especially well from undead eyes. |
Steal Shadow  | UncommonNecromancyShadowSorcerer | You steal a creature's shadow, leaving it weakened and vulnerable. |
Swamp of Sloth to  | UncommonConjurationOlfactorySorcerer | Ground in the area turns swampy and fetid. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Abyssal Wrath  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You evoke the energy of an Abyssal realm. |
Arcane Countermeasure  | UncommonAbjurationSorcerer | You undermine the target spell, making it easier to defend against. |
Celestial Brand  | UncommonNecromancyCurseSorcerer | A blazing symbol appears on the target, cursing it to face divine justice. |
Cleansing Flames  | UncommonNecromancyFireHealingSorcerer | You wrap the target in purifying flames. |
Consuming Darkness  | UncommonEvocationShadowSorcerer | Your shadow wriggles before spreading out from you, forming a gateway of clinging, consuming shadow through which the horrors of another plane can barely be seen. |
Dragon Wings  | UncommonTransmutationMorphSorcerer | Leathery wings sprout from your back, giving you a fly Speed of 60 feet or your Speed, whichever is faster. |
Elemental Blast  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You gather elemental energy and blast your foes in one of the various listed shapes of your choosing, dealing 8d6 bludgeoning damage (or fire damage if your element is fire). |
Establish Ward  | UncommonAbjurationSorcerer | You bind a part of your essence to your surroundings, creating a warded area that grants you power within it, but drains you outside of it. |
Fey Glamour  | UncommonIllusionSorcerer | You call upon fey glamours to cloak an area or the targets in illusion. |
Grasping Grave  | UncommonNecromancySorcerer | Hundreds of skeletal arms erupt from the ground in the area, clawing at creatures within and attempting to hold them in place. |
Hellfire Plume  | UncommonEvocationEvilFireSorcerer | You call forth a plume of hellfire that erupts from below, dealing 4d6 fire damage and 4d6 evil damage. |
Shepherd of Souls  | UncommonNecromancyHealingSorcerer | You stay the hand of fate for one not yet destined to die, sacrificing some of your own vitality to heal them. |
Unusual Anatomy  | UncommonTransmutationPolymorphSorcerer | You transform your flesh and organs into a bizarre amalgam of glistening skin, rough scales, tufts of hair, and tumorous protuberances. |
Wish-Twisted Form  | UncommonTransmutationSorcerer | You focus your magic upon an enemy, wishing for their defenses to fail and turning their strengths into weaknesses. |
You're Mine  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMentalSorcerer | You manipulate the target's emotions, potentially allowing you to control it for a brief instant. |