Name | Traits | Description |
Agitate  | EnchantmentMentalNonlethal | You send the target's mind and body into overdrive, forcing it to become restless and hyperactive. |
Ancestral Touch  | UncommonEnchantmentCurseboundEmotionFearMentalOracle | You touch a creature and force them to see and feel the ancestors surrounding you. |
Bane  | EnchantmentMental | You fill the minds of your enemies with doubt. |
Befuddle  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You sow seeds of confusion in your target's mind, causing their actions and thoughts to become clumsy. |
Bless  | EnchantmentMental | Blessings from beyond help your companions strike true. |
Blind Ambition  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You strengthen a target's ambition, increase its resentment of allies, and make its allegiances more susceptible to change. |
Brain Drain  | UncommonEnchantmentCurseboundMentalOracle | You probe the target's mind to glean knowledge. |
Cackle  | UncommonEnchantmentHexWitch | With a quick burst of laughter, you prolong a magical effect you created. |
Call to Arms  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryCurseboundEmotionMentalOracle | You cry out a call to arms, inspiring your allies to enter the fray. |
Celestial Accord  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionGoodMental | You intervene in a heated disagreement between two creatures, encouraging them to put aside their differences and find some common ground. |
Charm  | EnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | To the target, your words are honey and your visage seems bathed in a dreamy haze. |
Charming Touch  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | You infuse your target with attraction, causing it to act friendlier toward you. |
Charming Words  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryIncapacitationLinguisticMentalWizard | You whisper enchanting words to deflect your foe's ire. |
Command  | EnchantmentAuditoryLinguisticMental | You shout a command that's hard to ignore. |
Counter Performance  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCompositionFortuneMental | Your performance protects you and your allies. |
Diabolic Edict  | UncommonEnchantmentSorcerer | You issue a diabolic edict, demanding the target perform a particular task and offering rewards for its fulfillment. |
Draw Ire  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You cause mental distress to a creature, goading it to strike back at you. |
Déjà Vu  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You loop a thought process in the target's mind, forcing it to repeat the same actions over again. |
Elysian Whimsy  | UncommonEnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You overwhelm the target with an unexpected and unpredictable desire if it fails a Will save. |
Endure  | EnchantmentMental | You invigorate the touched creature's mind and urge it to press on. |
Faerie Dust to  | UncommonEnchantmentMentalSorcerer | You sprinkle magical dust in the spell's area, making those within easier to trick. |
Fear  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save. |
Forced Mercy  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionMental | You soften the target's blows, ensuring they avoid vital areas and cause no lasting harm. |
Frenzied Revelry  | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You recall memories of hedonistic rites to send yourself into an infectious frenzy, dancing and howling wildly to encourage your companions to join in. |
Hollow Heart  | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionFearMental | You stoke the target's ambition beyond reason, until it believes no one is capable of helping it, or that others aren't to be trusted. |
Lament  | EnchantmentAuditoryClericEmotionMental | You let out your negative emotions in a guttural wail that shakes your enemies' hearts and deals 1d8 mental damage (basic Will save). |
Liberating Command  | EnchantmentMental | You call out a liberating cry, urging an ally to break free of an effect that holds them in place. |
Lingering Composition  | UncommonEnchantmentBardMetamagic | You add a flourish to your composition to extend its benefits. |
Magic's Vessel  | UncommonEnchantmentCleric | A creature becomes a receptacle for pure magical energy sent by your deity. |
Movanic Glimmer  | UncommonEnchantmentGoodMentalTransmutation | You give the target animal a glimmer of awareness, not truly awakening it but allowing it to better understand its surroundings. |
Needle of Vengeance  | UncommonEnchantmentHexMentalWitch | A long, jagged needle jabs into the target foe's psyche whenever it tries to attack a specifically forbidden creature. |
Nymph's Token  | UncommonEnchantmentSorcerer | You grant an ally a token of favor. |
Savor the Sting  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMentalNonlethal | You inflict pain upon the target and revel in their anguish. |
Schadenfreude  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You distract your enemy with their feeling of smug pleasure when you fail catastrophically. |
Sleep  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMentalSleep | Each creature in the area becomes drowsy and might fall asleep. |
Soothe  | EnchantmentEmotionHealingMental | You grace the target's mind, boosting its mental defenses and healing its wounds. |
Soothing Words  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You attempt to calm the target by uttering soothing words in a calm and even tone. |
Sweet Dream  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryClericLinguisticMentalSleep | With soothing song or tales, you lull the target into an enchanting dream. |
Synchronize Steps  | UncommonEnchantment | You link the minds of two targets, enabling them to move in tandem. |
Touch of Obedience  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | Your imperious touch erodes the target's willpower, making it easier to control. |
Veil of Confidence  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | You surround yourself in a veil of confidence. |
Veil of Dreams  | UncommonEnchantmentHexMentalWitch | You draw the target into a drowsy state, causing daydreams and sluggishness. |
Waking Nightmare  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionFearMental | You fill the creature's mind with a terrifying vision out of its nightmares. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Aberrant Whispers to  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryMentalSorcerer | You utter phrases in an unknown tongue, assaulting the minds of those nearby. |
Agonizing Despair  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | Your target's mind tumbles down a deep well of dread, dwelling so intently on deep-seated fears that it's painful. |
Blinding Beauty  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationSorcererVisual | You channel the allure of your nymph bloodline into a terribly beautiful glance. |
Crisis of Faith  | EnchantmentMental | You assault the target's faith, riddling the creature with doubt and mental turmoil that deal 6d6 mental damage, or 6d8 mental damage if it can cast divine spells. |
Dream Message | EnchantmentMental | You send a message to your target's dream. |
Enthrall  | EnchantmentAuditoryEmotion | Your words fascinate your targets. |
Fey Disappearance  | UncommonEnchantmentSorcerer | You become Invisible and ignore natural difficult terrain (such as underbrush). |
Geas | UncommonEnchantmentCurseMental | You enforce a magic rule on a willing target, forcing it to either perform or refrain from carrying out a certain act. |
Heroism  | EnchantmentMental | You tap into the target's inner heroism, granting it a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception checks, saving throws, and skill checks. |
Infectious Ennui  | RareEnchantmentEmotionMental | With a wave of your hand and a short invocation, you cause feelings of ennui and impending doom to well up in the mind of the targeted creature, who must attempt a Will save. |
Mind of Menace | EnchantmentContingencyEmotionFearMental | This spell wards against those who attempt to subvert your mind and turns mental magic back on them. |
Paralyze  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You block the target's motor impulses before they can leave its mind, threatening to freeze the target in place. |
Roaring Applause  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | Your flamboyant flourish invokes such powerful feelings in your audience that you incite cheers and applause. |
Shift Blame  | EnchantmentMental | You alter the target's memories of the triggering event as they form. |
Sudden Recollection  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You place a bit of knowledge deep in a creature's subconscious or make a willing creature forget some information until a specific trigger occurs. |
Zone of Truth  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You designate an area in which creatures are compelled to speak only truth. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Anathematic Reprisal  | EnchantmentMental | You punish a creature that transgresses against your deity, drawing upon the anguish you feel upon seeing one of your deity's anathema committed. |
Aromatic Lure  | RareEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | You override a target's olfactory senses, luring them to a specific location through tantalizing false scents. |
Captivating Adoration  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMentalVisual | You become intensely entrancing, and creatures are distracted by you as long as they remain within the area. |
Clownish Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that causes it to emit ridiculous noises as it moves. |
Commanding Lash  | UncommonEnchantmentClericIncapacitationMental | With the threat of more pain, you compel a creature you've recently harmed. |
Compel True Name  | RareEnchantmentAuditoryIncapacitationLinguisticMentalTrueName | You instruct the target to do something, compelling obedience by calling it by its true name. |
Competitive Edge  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | Your competitiveness drives you to prove yourself against the opposition. |
Confusion  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You befuddle your target with strange impulses, causing it to act randomly. |
Daydreamer's Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You impose a curse upon the target that renders it easily distracted and unable to focus its thoughts on tasks that demand insight or discernment. |
Delusional Pride  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You make the target overconfident, leading it to ascribe failure to external factors. |
Dread Aura  | UncommonEnchantmentAuraEmotionFearMentalWizard | You emit an aura of terror. |
Dreamer's Call  | UncommonEnchantmentClericIncapacitationMental | The target becomes distracted and suggestible, inundated by vivid daydreams. |
Dull Ambition  | EnchantmentCurseMentalMisfortune | You curse the target to fail in all avenues of its life that require drive and ambition, as it inadvertently undermines its own goals at every turn. |
Favorable Review  | UncommonEnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You enchant a creature to ensure they have only good things to say about your show. |
Girzanje's March  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryLinguisticMental | You sing a prayer for war, inspiring valor in allies who hear your song. |
Glibness  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | Falsehoods pass your lips as smoothly as silk. |
Implement of Destruction  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | You solemnly declare that the target weapon will bring death to a foe, implanting an irrational fear of the weapon into the target enemy. |
Infectious Melody  | EnchantmentAuditoryMental | You call forth the chords of a tune so catchy that foes hearing it can't help but sing along, making it harder for them to communicate. |
Inspire Heroics  | UncommonEnchantmentBardMetamagic | You call upon your muse to greatly increase the benefits you provide with your Inspire Courage or Inspire Defense composition. |
Ordained Purpose  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You call upon the authority of cosmic forces of order, overwhelming creatures with remorse and agony for acting outside of their station and purpose. |
Outcast's Curse  | EnchantmentCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that makes its presence abrasive and off-putting. |
Overflowing Sorrow  | EnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | Sadness flows out of you into nearby creatures, blotting out any other thoughts they had. |
Procyal Philosophy  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryGood | The racoon-like visage of a sagacious procyal appears, dispensing helpful advice. |
Roar of the Wyrm  | EnchantmentAuditoryClericEmotionMental | You channel the might of dragons into your voice, letting out a roar that engenders respect in dragonkind but that instills fear in most other creatures. |
Savant's Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that fills its mind with distracting and hyperspecialized minutiae, causing it to second-guess even simple facts. |
Shaken Confidence | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionMentalMisfortune | You mock the target for all its failings, twisting its self-confidence into doubt. |
Shared Nightmare  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | Merging minds with the target, you swap disorienting visions from one another's nightmares. |
Suggestion  | EnchantmentIncapacitationLinguisticMental | Your honeyed words are difficult for creatures to resist. |
Touch of the Moon  | UncommonEnchantmentClericLight | When you touch the target, a symbol of the moon appears on its forehead, glowing with soft moonlight. |
Waking Dream  | EnchantmentMental | You cloud the target's mind with vivid, dreamlike imagery, so they have difficulty distinguishing real threats from imagined ones. |
Wind Whispers | RareEnchantmentClericLinguisticMental | You call forth numerous breezes in which you weave gossip, whispering subtly into the ears of those around. |
Word of Freedom  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | You utter a liberating word of power that frees a creature. |
Zeal for Battle  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionFortuneMental | You stoke the righteous anger within yourself and an ally. |