Name | Traits | Description |
Adapt Self  | TransmutationClericMorph | You make subtle changes to yourself to adapt to the situation. |
Agile Feet  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | The blessings of your god make your feet faster and your movements more fluid. |
Appearance of Wealth  | UncommonIllusionCleric | You create a brief vision of immense wealth filling the spell's area. |
Athletic Rush  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | Your body fills with physical power and skill. |
Bit of Luck  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You tilt the scales of luck slightly to protect a creature from disaster. |
Blind Ambition  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You strengthen a target's ambition, increase its resentment of allies, and make its allegiances more susceptible to change. |
Charged Javelin  | EvocationAttackClericElectricity | You fire a javelin of electricity that leaves a charged field around its target. |
Charming Touch  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | You infuse your target with attraction, causing it to act friendlier toward you. |
Cinder Gaze | RareDivinationClericPrediction | You've learned to read the future in the patterns of flames and smoke. |
Cloak of Shadow  | UncommonEvocationClericDarknessShadow | You drape the target in a mantle of swirling shadows that make it harder to see. |
Cry of Destruction  | UncommonEvocationClericSonic | Your voice booms, smashing what's in front of you. |
Dazzling Flash  | UncommonEvocationClericLightVisual | You raise your religious symbol and create a blinding flash of light. |
Death's Call  | UncommonNecromancyCleric | Seeing another pass from this world to the next invigorates you. |
Delay Consequence  | AbjurationCleric | You transpose the moment that the target would be injured to later in its timestream. |
Divine Plagues  | NecromancyClericDisease | Your deity sends wracking plagues. |
Draconic Barrage  | EvocationCleric | You shape energy into one incorporeal tiny dragon (or serpentine creature) that flits around you. |
Eject Soul  | NecromancyClericIncapacitation | Your touch disrupts the connection between body and soul, possibly forcing the soul out of the body altogether. |
Empty Inside  | AbjurationClericMental | You inject a sliver of the void into your mind, momentarily remaking it into a bleak and empty place. |
Face in the Crowd  | UncommonIllusionClericVisual | While in a crowd of roughly similar creatures, your appearance becomes bland and nondescript. |
Fire Ray  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericFire | A blazing band of fire arcs through the air. |
Forced Quiet  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You quiet the target's voice, preventing it from giving away valuable secrets. |
Frenzied Revelry  | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You recall memories of hedonistic rites to send yourself into an infectious frenzy, dancing and howling wildly to encourage your companions to join in. |
Healer's Blessing  | UncommonNecromancyCleric | Your words bless a creature with an enhanced connection to positive energy. |
Hollow Heart  | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionFearMental | You stoke the target's ambition beyond reason, until it believes no one is capable of helping it, or that others aren't to be trusted. |
Hurtling Stone  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericEarth | You evoke a magical stone and throw it, with your god's presence guiding your aim. |
Hyperfocus  | DivinationCleric | You sharpen a creature's senses, though more distant objects become hazy, indistinct, or muted to it. |
Lament  | EnchantmentAuditoryClericEmotionMental | You let out your negative emotions in a guttural wail that shakes your enemies' hearts and deals 1d8 mental damage (basic Will save). |
Magic's Vessel  | UncommonEnchantmentCleric | A creature becomes a receptacle for pure magical energy sent by your deity. |
Moonbeam  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericFireLight | You shine a ray of moonlight. |
Oathkeeper's Insignia  | ConjurationCleric | A magical indicator assures a creature that you've upheld your end of a bargain. |
Object Memory  | DivinationCleric | By touching an object, you draw forth the experience of those who created and used it. |
Overstuff  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | Huge amounts of food and drink fill the target. |
Parch  | EvocationAirCleric | Dry winds dehydrate a creature. |
Perfected Mind  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You meditate upon perfection to remove all distractions from your mind. |
Practice Makes Perfect  | UncommonDivinationCleric | The target gains a +2 status bonus to the triggering check, or a +3 bonus if the target has master or better proficiency in the skill. |
Protector's Sacrifice  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You protect your ally by suffering in their stead. |
Pushing Gust  | UncommonConjurationAirCleric | Giving the air a push, you buffet the target with a powerful gust of wind; it must attempt a Fortitude save. |
Read Fate | UncommonDivinationClericPrediction | You attempt to learn more about the target's fate in the short term, usually within the next day for most prosaic creatures, or the next hour or less for someone likely to have multiple rapid experiences, such as someone actively adventuring. |
Redact  | TransmutationCleric | You strike mention of a specific name from one or more documents. |
Savor the Sting  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMentalNonlethal | You inflict pain upon the target and revel in their anguish. |
Scholarly Recollection  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | Speaking a short prayer as you gather your thoughts, you're blessed to find that your deity gave you just the right bit of information for your situation. |
Share Burden  | AbjurationClericMental | You shoulder some of your ally's pain. |
Soothing Words  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You attempt to calm the target by uttering soothing words in a calm and even tone. |
Splash of Art  | UncommonIllusionClericVisual | A deluge of colorful illusory paint, tools, or other symbols of art and artisanship drift down in the area. |
String of Fate  | RareAbjurationClericFortune | You bond yourself to a cherished friend, vowing to share their fate for good or for ill. |
Sudden Shift  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You swiftly move from a dangerous spot and veil yourself. |
Swarmsense | DivinationCleric | You extend your senses through a multitude of crawling and flying creatures. |
Sweet Dream  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryClericLinguisticMentalSleep | With soothing song or tales, you lull the target into an enchanting dream. |
Tidal Surge  | UncommonEvocationClericWater | You call forth a tremendous wave to move the target either in a body of water or on the ground. |
Touch of Obedience  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | Your imperious touch erodes the target's willpower, making it easier to control. |
Touch of Undeath  | UncommonNecromancyClericNegative | You attack the target's life force with undeath, dealing 1d6 negative damage. |
Unimpeded Stride  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | Nothing can hold you in place. |
Veil of Confidence  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | You surround yourself in a veil of confidence. |
Vibrant Thorns  | UncommonTransmutationClericMorphPlant | Your body sprouts a coat of brambly thorns that harm those that strike you and thrive on life magic. |
Victory Cry | RareEvocationClericSonic | Your true might comes from your bonds with your allies, and you glory in their achievements. |
Waking Nightmare  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionFearMental | You fill the creature's mind with a terrifying vision out of its nightmares. |
Weapon Surge  | UncommonEvocationCleric | Holding your weapon aloft, you fill it with divine energy. |
Winter Bolt  | EvocationAttackClericCold | You fling a hollow icicle filled with winter's wrath. |
Withering Grasp  | NecromancyClericNegative | Your touch rots organic material and decays objects. |
Word of Truth  | UncommonDivinationCleric | You speak a statement you believe to be true and that is free of any attempt to deceive through twisting words, omission, and so on. |
Zenith Star  | DivinationClericLight | You call a tiny star to orbit a creature in a sparkling halo before shooting up into the heavens, where it marks the creature's rough location. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Adaptive Ablation  | AbjurationCleric | You shift yourself to adapt to the mystical wavelengths of the energy damage, protecting yourself from further harm. |
Artistic Flourish  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | You transform the target to make it match your artisanal and artistic vision. |
Asterism  | EvocationClericLight | Lines of burning starlight form a constellation around you. |
Bottle the Storm  | EvocationClericElectricity | When lightning is turned at you, you store the charge safely within yourself, unleashing it when the time is right. |
Captivating Adoration  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMentalVisual | You become intensely entrancing, and creatures are distracted by you as long as they remain within the area. |
Commanding Lash  | UncommonEnchantmentClericIncapacitationMental | With the threat of more pain, you compel a creature you've recently harmed. |
Competitive Edge  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | Your competitiveness drives you to prove yourself against the opposition. |
Darkened Eyes  | UncommonTransmutationClericDarkness | You infuse a creature's vision with darkness. |
Delusional Pride  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You make the target overconfident, leading it to ascribe failure to external factors. |
Destructive Aura  | UncommonEvocationAuraCleric | Swirling sands of divine devastation surround you, weakening the defenses of all they touch. |
Diamond Dust  | EvocationClericCold | You supercool the nearby air, forming a cloud of dancing ice crystals in an emanation around you. |
Disperse into Air  | UncommonTransmutationAirClericPolymorph | After taking the triggering damage, you transform into air. |
Door to Beyond  | ConjurationCleric | Striking at thin air, you create hairline cracks in an unoccupied adjacent space that lead somewhere outside reality. |
Downpour  | UncommonEvocationClericWater | You call forth a torrential downpour, which extinguishes nonmagical flames. |
Dreamer's Call  | UncommonEnchantmentClericIncapacitationMental | The target becomes distracted and suggestible, inundated by vivid daydreams. |
Dust Storm  | ConjurationAirClericNonlethal | You call forth a swirling storm of dust. |
Dutiful Challenge  | AbjurationCleric | As you challenge an enemy, you take some of its attention away from your allies. |
Ectoplasmic Interstice  | NecromancyCleric | You force the Material and Ethereal Planes to partially overlap, creating a zone that causes incorporeal and spiritual entities to take on many of the aspects of corporeal creatures. |
Enduring Might  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | Your own might mingles with divine power to protect you. |
Eradicate Undeath  | UncommonNecromancyClericPositive | A massive deluge of life energy causes the undead to fall apart. |
Euphoric Renewal  | RareNecromancyCleric | You view death not as an ending but a beginning, and you delight in dancing on its edge. |
Fallow Field  | NecromancyClericNegative | A sickly yellow light fills the area as entropic forces prevent healing. |
Flame Barrier  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You swiftly deflect incoming flames. |
Font of Serenity  | AbjurationClericEmotionMental | A divine beacon radiates serenity, soothing nearby allies. |
Foul Miasma  | NecromancyClericDisease | You multiply the disease within a creature, drawing it into an infectious mist outside their body where it can spread to other creatures. |
Ghostly Transcription  | IllusionClericVisual | Glowing letters assemble in the air, providing a transcription of the target's speech in all languages you speak. |
Glimpse the Truth  | UncommonDivinationClericRevelation | Divine insight lets you see things as they truly are. |
Inevitable Destination  | RareConjurationCleric | You twist the paths of the target, ensuring that each one leads to you. |
Isolation  | RareIllusionCleric | You summon a tangible manifestation of loneliness to cloak the target from view as surely as if it were wreathed in darkness. |
Know the Enemy  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You quickly remind yourself of useful information. |
Localized Quake  | UncommonTransmutationClericEarth | You shake the earth, toppling nearby creatures. |
Lucky Break  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | Reroll the saving throw and use the better result. |
Malignant Sustenance  | UncommonNecromancyClericNegative | You embed a seed of negative energy in an undead creature, restoring its unnatural vigor. |
Mystic Beacon  | UncommonEvocationCleric | The next damaging or healing spell the target casts before the start of your next turn deals damage or restores Hit Points as if the spell were heightened 1 level higher than its actual level. |
Nature's Bounty  | UncommonConjurationClericPlantPositive | A palm-sized raw fruit or vegetable appears in your open hand. |
Overflowing Sorrow  | EnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | Sadness flows out of you into nearby creatures, blotting out any other thoughts they had. |
Perfected Form  | UncommonAbjurationClericFortune | Reroll the saving throw and use the better result. |
Positive Luminance  | UncommonNecromancyClericLightPositive | Drawing life force into yourself, you become a beacon of positive energy. |
Precious Metals  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | Your deity blesses base metals to transform them into precious materials. |
Protector's Sphere  | UncommonAbjurationAuraCleric | A protective aura emanates out from you, safeguarding you and your allies. |
Pulse of the City  | UncommonDivinationClericScrying | You tap into the zeitgeist of the nearest settlement in range (if any). |
Purifying Veil  | RareEvocationClericGoodWater | Drawing on the purifying powers of water, you call forth a veil of fine water droplets suffused with holy energy. |
Rebuke Death to  | UncommonNecromancyClericHealingPositive | You snatch creatures from the jaws of death. |
Remember the Lost  | DivinationClericMental | You call upon the lost and forgotten, assailing your foes' minds with the memories of those who died with a grievance toward them. |
Retributive Pain  | UncommonAbjurationClericMentalNonlethal | You vengefully reflect your pain upon your tormentor. |
Roar of the Wyrm  | EnchantmentAuditoryClericEmotionMental | You channel the might of dragons into your voice, letting out a roar that engenders respect in dragonkind but that instills fear in most other creatures. |
Safeguard Secret | UncommonAbjurationClericMental | You ensure a secret remains safe from prying spies. |
Shaken Confidence | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionMentalMisfortune | You mock the target for all its failings, twisting its self-confidence into doubt. |
Shared Nightmare  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | Merging minds with the target, you swap disorienting visions from one another's nightmares. |
Stasis  | TransmutationClericIncapacitation | The flow of time congeals around an object or creature, holding it in place. |
Swarm Form  | TransmutationClericPolymorph | You discorporate into a swarm of Tiny creatures. |
Take its Course  | UncommonNecromancyCleric | When someone has overindulged, you can hasten them past the worst of their affliction or intensify their misery. |
Tempt Fate  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You twist the forces of fate to make a moment dire or uneventful, with no in-between. |
Tireless Worker  | NecromancyClericHealing | You suppress your choice of one of the following conditions that's affecting the target: Clumsy, Encumbered, Enfeebled, or Fatigued. |
Touch of the Moon  | UncommonEnchantmentClericLight | When you touch the target, a symbol of the moon appears on its forehead, glowing with soft moonlight. |
Traveler's Transit  | UncommonEvocationCleric | You add power to your muscles, allowing you to swim or climb walls with ease. |
Trickster's Twin  | UncommonIllusionClericVisual | You rarely settle for being in just one place. |
Unity  | UncommonAbjurationClericFortune | You put up a united defense. |
Weaponize Secret  | RareDivinationClericMental | You understand that holding a secret is in itself a kind of power. |
Wind Whispers | RareEnchantmentClericLinguisticMental | You call forth numerous breezes in which you weave gossip, whispering subtly into the ears of those around. |
Word of Freedom  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | You utter a liberating word of power that frees a creature. |
Wordsmith  | RareTransmutationCleric | You're a devotee of knowledge with an unmatched command of the language used to spread that knowledge, and you can reshape the written word into a form more understandable to your audience. |
Zeal for Battle  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionFortuneMental | You stoke the righteous anger within yourself and an ally. |